What is a Google Premier Partner?

When you need help managing your online advertising, you should work with a company that has been trained and certified by Google. Google Partners are advertising agencies, digital marketing professionals, and other online consultants who have the knowledge to manage Ad accounts.

Google Premier Partners are the top partners with demonstrated ads skill and expertise, who have met ads spend requirements, delivered agency and client revenue growth, and sustained and grown their client base. They are the leading companies recognized by Google that manage higher spending and meet additional certification and performance requirements beyond the basic Google Partner level.

Google Premier Partners have met Google performance requirements by delivering solid overall ads revenue and growth while maintaining and growing your customer base. Premier level status means the company meets a higher spend requirement across managed accounts, showing the company has a healthy amount of activity. Also, they must also employ at least two Certified Google Ads specialists to show they have advanced ads knowledge.

With a multitude of digital marketing agencies in the marketplace, Google distinguishes the best performing agencies through its highly respected partner program, with only the elite qualifying for the Google Premier Partner accolade.

A Google Partner is a digital advertising provider that meets various Google Ads requirements. These include such criteria as agency skill level, client ad spend, the size of the agency’s client base as well as agency and client growth levels.

Depending on their level of expertise and success, they can gain one of two badges – Google Partner or Google Premier Partner.

The Premier status indicates the top-performing agencies. The accreditation can be gained for different online advertising services such as Search Ads, Mobile Ads, and Shopping Ads. Clear Mind Graphics, Inc., is a Google Premier Partner qualified in Display, Shopping, and Search.

How do you become a Google Premier Partner?

Becoming a Premier Partner is a very sought-after achievement which follows a rigorous process. After you sign up for the program and create a company profile, you need to demonstrate good campaign management. This will be reflected in:

  • client spend and revenue growth via Google Ads
  • agency growth, measured through the number of and size of Google Ads accounts.

In addition, you need to have at least two specialists who have passed Google’s certifying exams. To become a certified individual you need to pass the Google Ads Fundamentals course and another specialization of your choice from Search Advertising, Display Advertising, Mobile Advertising, Video Advertising, and Shopping Advertising.

What are the benefits for a Google Premier Partner?

Premier agencies receive some extra benefits compared to the lower tier providers. In addition to community membership and product updates, phone support, and promotional offers, you benefit from:

  • executive business training
  • dedicated account management
  • new business strategy consulting
  • Invitation to the Annual Partners summit

What this means for our clients is that we’re able to work with Google to obtain support and data that can give us the edge when developing their campaigns, whether that’s organic or paid.

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By Published On: August 21st, 2019Categories: UncategorizedComments Off on What is a Google Premier Partner? And Why it’s Important.

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